font-family: sketchnote-square, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; Daily Activities | Camp Davis Nashville font-family: sketchnote-square, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400;
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Daily Activities


From traditional favorites like kickball, baseball, and soccer to more unique options like GAGA and Astronauts and Aliens - we love to play at Camp Davis. Sports give us an opportunity to learn new skills, stay in shape, and work as a team. Campers are taught how to play these games and more through lessons created by our specialists via our sports curriculum; within these lessons, campers are also taught how to win and lose like a champion.

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Campers swim EVERY DAY at Camp Davis! Campers in grade K-2 have two group swim lessons a week and three free swims a week. Campers in grades 3-8 have free swim every day! There is nothing better than jumping in the pool and splashing around with friends on a hot summer day! 


Israeli culture

Our connection to the land, people, and history of Israel is strong. Campers are exposed to new foods, language, customs, and more in a way that emphasizes how our traditions may be different, but we are all so much more alike than we often realize. We are fortunate enough to have staff from Israel join us every summer. These direct experiences are enriching not only for our campers, but our community as a whole. The Israeli Culture curriculum provides all campers - of all faiths and backgrounds - with the opportunity to find their own connection to not only Israel, but all of humankind.  


One of our most used Hebrew words is רוח, ruach - which means spirit. Ruach is an integral component to the Camp Davis experience. Lessons in harmony, rhythm, and multi instrument performance are perfect parallels for life concepts of cooperation, respect, and being a part of something greater than yourself. On top of all of that, sometimes you just gotta get up and boogie!

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There is wonder all around us, all you have to do is look. Now, more than ever, it is essential to teach our campers to marvel and appreciate the natural world. Taking advantage of our beautiful 52-acre campus, we are able to explore trails as well as study native plant and wildlife. Does this mean that sometimes we have to get grass stains or play in the mud a bit? Absolutely.


More than simply coloring, painting, or sculpting - art is inspiration. At Camp Davis, we use art to express ourselves. Our philosophy places a strong emphasis on process as opposed to product. The focus is not on the perceived quality of our campers' creations. We are much more concerned with giving them a venue to establish and further expand upon their own unique identity; it is a tool in the kit of individuality and growth.

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Gordon JCC

801 Percy Warner Boulevard

Nashville, TN 37205


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